Wednesday, June 07, 2006


India.....a place that never lets you feel comfortable. Well....if you are lounging at the pool at the Raddisson Hotel or any other first class establishment you may feel comfortable...but venture outside and......

The heat in summer is stiffling...the crowded busy streets...the constant noise from loud speakers blaring out the latest campaign promises at election time or blasting some religious music at you or from people beeeping their horns constantly....the need to watch what you eat and drink least you catch any number of nasty bugs...the hassle from people in the street just trying to make a buck...the smell of rotting garbage and spicy food mixed together with a million other smells....the lurking threat of mosquitoes...beggars holding out their hands for a few coins...
All this and more...........

There is sooo much colour...soo much to see and experience.....sooo many stories to hear and to tell....soo much diversity in food, language, religion landscape and climate.......sooo many reasons to visit such a fascinating country...

India may never let you feel comfortable but this is the very reason that makes it such an exciting destination.....and where I went for 10 days this past April.


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