Monday, April 17, 2006!

So what do I do in Japan?....well I work (I use the term "work" loosely) at Hokudan Junior High School as an assistant language teacher. This year I am working with one Japanese Lnaguage Teacher, teaching the entire school at least once per week. I am scheduled to teach just 8 hours per week but this has been extended to about 11 or more, depending upon teacher requirements. Thus I have a lot of time to plan lessons and do other things. I am required to be at school from 8:15 a.m. till 4 p.m. Monday to Friday and sometimes the odd day or two over the weekend. I work all school holidays but do get to take my own when i wish during the year.

Compared to jobs I have had in the past i am not so busy but i do enjoy putting lessons together and getting alongside and helping my students. A lot of the time i am ignored in the staffroom and left to my own devices...which is cool with me and gives me plenty of time to do things as i wish i.e. check on the progress of Manchester United and the Super 14 results etc.

I am glad i am not a Japanese teacher...whoa! they have to be at work early....and sports clubs and work on weekends regularly. It seems to me that whole system is inefficient and creates a lot of meaningless man hours for no reason and basically is designed to wear down students and teachers until they become robots of the State.

As for me....I find myself getting a little lazy and braindead so i think I will have to look at a more disciplined approach to my work-day and give myself some goals etc....

Interesting things about my school.....

The whole school practiced for sports day for near on 2 weeks...marching...marching...marching....including a full dress-rehearsal!!!

The whole school....does school cleaning for 15 minutes per day!

Students are expected to attend sports club practice over their own holidays!

There is NO heating or air-conditioning in the classroom!

It is only 2 or so years old.


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